viernes, 24 de julio de 2009

Fraccionamiento químico/Chemical fractionation

Txillida LekuDurante los días 20 a 22 de julio se ha celebrado en San Sebastián la XV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica (S.E.Q.A.). Durante la reunión, nuestro grupo de investigación presentó dos comunicaciones en forma de cartel que versaron sobre fraccionamiento químico de arsénico en suelos de la Comarca de Tierra de Pinares: "OCCURRENCE AND FRACTIONATION OF ARSENIC IN SOILS OF AN ARSENIC AFFECTED AQUIFER AND ITS RELATION WITH SOIL GEOCHEMISTRY" , y sobre el uso de técnicas quimiométricas multivariantes para la interpretación de resultados de fraccionamiento químico de metales pesados "INTERPRETATION OF BCR-SM&T CHEMICAL FRACTIONATION RESULTS by TWO-WAY AND THREE-WAY PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS"
Chemometric...From 20 to 22 of july, the XV Meeting of the Spanish Society of Analytical Chemistry (S.E.Q.A.) was hold in San Sebastián (Spain). During the meeting, our research group preseted two poster presentations about chemical fractionation of Arsenic in soils of Tierra of Pinares shire: "OCCURRENCE AND FRACTIONATION OF ARSENIC IN SOILS OF AN ARSENIC AFFECTED AQUIFER AND ITS RELATION WITH SOIL GEOCHEMISTRY" and about the use of multivariate chemometric techniques for the interparetation of chemical fractionation of heavy metals in soils: "INTERPRETATION OF BCR-SM&T CHEMICAL FRACTIONATION RESULTS BY TWO-WAY AND THREE-WAY PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS "
Arsenic...Más información en/ More information at XV SEQA

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