viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

Premios Ig Nobel 2013/The 2013 Ig Nobel Prize Winners

Los Premios Ig Nobel 2013, instituidos para premiar aquellas investigaciones que parecen broma pero que son reales, fueron entregados el 12 de septiembre de 2013

PREMIO DE MEDICINA: Masateru Uchiyama [Japón ] , Xiangyuan Jin [ CHINA , JAPÓN ] , Qi Zhang [Japón ] , Toshihito Hirai [Japón ] , Atsushi Amano [Japón ] , Hisashi Bashuda [Japón ] y Masanori Niimi [Japón , Reino Unido ] , por evaluar el efecto de escuchar ópera, en pacientes trasplantados de corazón y que son ratones.
REFERENCIA: "Auditory stimulation of opera music induced prolongation of murine cardiac allograft survival and maintained generation of regulatory CD4+CD25+ cells," Masateru Uchiyama, Xiangyuan Jin, Qi Zhang, Toshihito Hirai, Atsushi Amano, Hisashi Bashuda and Masanori Niimi, Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery, vol. 7, no. 26, epub. March 23, 2012.
Asistieron a la ceremonia : Masateru Uchiyama , Xiangyuan Jin, Masanori Niimi

PREMIO DE PSICOLOGÍA: Laurent Bègue [Francia ], Brad Bushman [USA , Reino Unido, Países Bajos, Polonia ], Oulmann Zerhouni [Francia ], Baptiste Subra [Francia ], y Medhi Ourabah [Francia ] , por confirmar experimentalmente que las personas que creen estar borrachas también creen que son atractivas .
REFERENCIA : 'Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beer Holder': People Who Think They Are Drunk Also Think They Are Attractive," Laurent Bègue, Brad J. Bushman, Oulmann Zerhouni, Baptiste Subra, Medhi Ourabah, British Journal of Psychology, epub May 15, 2012.
Asistieron a la ceremonia : Brad Bushman , Laurent Bègue , Medhi Ourabah

PREMIO CONJUNTO DE BIOLOGÍA Y ASTRONOMÍA : Marie Dacke [ SUECIA, AUSTRALIA ] , Emily Baird [ SUECIA, AUSTRALIA , ALEMANIA ] , Marcus Byrne [ Sudáfrica, Reino Unido ] , Clarke Scholtz [ Sudáfrica] y Eric Warrant [ SUECIA, AUSTRALIA , ALEMANIA ] , por descubrir que cuando los escarabajos coprófagos se pierden, pueden encontrar su camino a casa por medio de la Vía Láctea.
REFERENCIA: "Dung Beetles Use the Milky Way for Orientation," Marie Dacke, Emily Baird, Marcus Byrne, Clarke H. Scholtz, Eric J. Warrant, Current Biology, epub January 24, 2013. The authors, at Lund University, Sweden, the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, and the University of Pretoria
Asistieron a la ceremonia : Marie Dacke , Emily Baird, Marcus Byrne , Eric Warrant

PREMIO DE SEGURIDAD E INGENIERÍA: El difunto Gustano Pizzo [ EE.UU. ] , por la invención de un sistema electro -mecánico para atrapar a los secuestradores de avión - el sistema lanza a los secuestradores a través de una trampilla, lo envuelve en un paquete, y luego lo suelta encapsulado a través especialmente de una puerta especial instalada en la bodega del avión, de donde se le lanza en paracaídas a tierra , donde la policía , alertada por radio, espera su llegada . Patente de EE.UU. # 3811643 , Gustano A. Pizzo, , "anti hijacking system for aircraft", May 21, 1972.

PREMIO DE FÍSICA: Alberto Minetti [ Italia , Reino Unido, Dinamarca, Suiza ] , Yuri Ivanenko [ Italia , Rusia, Francia ] , Germana Cappellini [ ITALIA] , Nadia Dominici [ Italia, Suiza ] y Francesco Lacquaniti [ ITALIA] , por descubrir que algunos personas sería capaces físicamente de correr sobre la superficie de un estanque - si esas personas y el estanque estuvieran en la Luna.
REFERENCIA: "Humans Running in Place on Water at Simulated Reduced Gravity," Alberto E. Minetti, Yuri P. Ivanenko, Germana Cappellini, Nadia Dominici, Francesco Lacquaniti, PLoS ONE, vol. 7, no. 7, 2012, e37300.
Asistieron a la ceremonia : Alberto Minetti y Yuri Ivanenko

PREMIO DE QUÍMICA: Shinsuke Imai [Japón ] , Nobuaki Tsuge [Japón ] , Muneaki Tomotake [Japón ] , Yoshiaki Nagatome [Japón ] , Toshiyuki Nagata [ Japón, Alemania ] y Hidehiko Kumgai [Japón ] , por descubrir que el proceso bioquímico por el cual cebollas hacen llorar a la gente es aún más complicado de lo que los científicos pensaban previamente.
REFERENCIA: "Plant Biochemistry: An Onion Enzyme that Makes the Eyes Water," S. Imai, N. Tsuge, M. Tomotake, Y. Nagatome, H. Sawada, T. Nagata and H. Kumagai, Nature, vol. 419, no. 6908, October 2002, p. 685.
Asistieron a la ceremonia : Los seis coautores.

PREMIO DE ARQUEOLOGÍA: Brian Crandall [ EE.UU. ] y Peter Stahl [ CANADÁ, EE.UU. ] , por cocer una musaraña muerta, tragarla sin masticar , y luego examinar cuidadosamente todo lo excretado durante los días posteriores –para ver los huesos se disuelven dentro del sistema digestivo humano , y cuales no.
REFERENCIA: "Human Digestive Effects on a Micromammalian Skeleton," Peter W. Stahl and Brian D. Crandall, Journal of Archaeological Science, vol. 22, November 1995, pp. 789–97.
Asistieron a la ceremonia : Brian Crandall

PREMIO DE LA PAZ : Alexander Lukashenko , Presidente de Bielorrusia , por hcaer que sea ilegal aplaudir en público, y a la Policía Estatal de Bielorrusia, por detener a un hombre manco por aplaudir.

PREMIO DE PROBABILIDAD: Bert Tolkamp [ Reino Unido , Países Bajos] , Marie Haskell [ Reino Unido ] , Fritha Langford [UK , Canadá] , David Roberts [ Reino Unido ] y Colin Morgan [ Reino Unido ] , para hacer dos descubrimientos relacionados entre sí: (1) que cuanto más tiempo lleva una vaca acostada, más probable es que se levante y (2) que una vez que una vaca se levanta, no se puede predecir fácilmente cuándo volverá a acostarse
REFERENCIA: "Are Cows More Likely to Lie Down the Longer They Stand?" Bert J. Tolkamp, Marie J. Haskell, Fritha M. Langford, David J. Roberts, Colin A. Morgan, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, vol. 124, nos. 1-2, 2010, pp. 1–10
Asistieron a la ceremonia : Bert Tolkamp

PREMIO DE SALUD PÚBLICA: Kasian Bhanganada , Tu Chayavatana , Chumporn Pongnumkul , Anunt Tonmukayakul , Piyasakol Sakolsatayadorn , Krit Komaratal y Henry Wilde , por las técnicas médicas descritas en el informe " Tratamiento quirúrgico de una epidemia de amputaciones de pene en Siam " - técnicas que ellos recomiendanr, excepto en los casos en los que el pene amputado ha sido parcialmente devorado por un pato. [ Tailandia ]
REFERENCIA: "Surgical Management of an Epidemic of Penile Amputations in Siam," by Kasian Bhanganada, Tu Chayavatana, Chumporn Pongnumkul, Anunt Tonmukayakul, Piyasakol Sakolsatayadorn, Krit Komaratal, and Henry Wilde, American Journal of Surgery, 1983, no. 146, pp. 376-382.
Asistió a la ceremonia : el premio Nobel Eric Maskin que leyó el discurso de aceptación enviado por los ganadores.

Ver más en el sitio web de Improbable Research

La ceremonia completa/The full ceremony

The Ig Nobel Prizes 2013, acknowledging every year research that seems a pun but is real, were announced and awarded on September 12, 2013.

MEDICINE PRIZE: Masateru Uchiyama [JAPAN], Xiangyuan Jin [CHINA, JAPAN], Qi Zhang [JAPAN], Toshihito Hirai [JAPAN], Atsushi Amano [JAPAN], Hisashi Bashuda [JAPAN] and Masanori Niimi [JAPAN, UK], for assessing the effect of listening to opera, on heart transplant patients who are mice.
REFERENCE: "Auditory stimulation of opera music induced prolongation of murine cardiac allograft survival and maintained generation of regulatory CD4+CD25+ cells," Masateru Uchiyama, Xiangyuan Jin, Qi Zhang, Toshihito Hirai, Atsushi Amano, Hisashi Bashuda and Masanori Niimi, Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery, vol. 7, no. 26, epub. March 23, 2012.
ATTENDING THE CEREMONY: Masateru Uchiyama, Xiangyuan Jin, Masanori Niimi

PSYCHOLOGY PRIZE: Laurent Bègue [FRANCE], Brad Bushman [USA, UK, the NETHERLANDS, POLAND], Oulmann Zerhouni [FRANCE], Baptiste Subra [FRANCE], and Medhi Ourabah [FRANCE], for confirming, by experiment, that people who think they are drunk also think they are attractive.
REFERENCE: "'Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beer Holder': People Who Think They Are Drunk Also Think They Are Attractive," Laurent Bègue, Brad J. Bushman, Oulmann Zerhouni, Baptiste Subra, Medhi Ourabah, British Journal of Psychology, epub May 15, 2012.
ATTENDING THE CEREMONY: Brad Bushman, Laurent Bègue, Medhi Ourabah

JOINT PRIZE IN BIOLOGY AND ASTRONOMY: Marie Dacke [SWEDEN, AUSTRALIA], Emily Baird [SWEDEN, AUSTRALIA, GERMANY], Marcus Byrne [SOUTH AFRICA, UK], Clarke Scholtz [SOUTH AFRICA], and Eric Warrant [SWEDEN, AUSTRALIA, GERMANY], for discovering that when dung beetles get lost, they can navigate their way home by looking at the Milky Way.
REFERENCE: "Dung Beetles Use the Milky Way for Orientation," Marie Dacke, Emily Baird, Marcus Byrne, Clarke H. Scholtz, Eric J. Warrant, Current Biology, epub January 24, 2013. The authors, at Lund University, Sweden, the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, and the University of Pretoria
ATTENDING THE CEREMONY: Marie Dacke, Emily Baird, Marcus Byrne, Eric Warrant

SAFETY ENGINEERING PRIZE: The late Gustano Pizzo [USA], for inventing an electro-mechanical system to trap airplane hijackers — the system drops a hijacker through trap doors, seals him into a package, then drops the encapsulated hijacker through the airplane's specially-installed bomb bay doors, whence he parachutes to earth, where police, having been alerted by radio, await his arrival. US Patent #3811643, Gustano A. Pizzo, "anti hijacking system for aircraft", May 21, 1972.

PHYSICS PRIZE: Alberto Minetti [ITALY, UK, DENMARK, SWITZERLAND], Yuri Ivanenko [ITALY, RUSSIA, FRANCE], Germana Cappellini [ITALY], Nadia Dominici [ITALY, SWITZERLAND], and Francesco Lacquaniti [ITALY], for discovering that some people would be physically capable of running across the surface of a pond — if those people and that pond were on the moon.
REFERENCE: "Humans Running in Place on Water at Simulated Reduced Gravity," Alberto E. Minetti, Yuri P. Ivanenko, Germana Cappellini, Nadia Dominici, Francesco Lacquaniti, PLoS ONE, vol. 7, no. 7, 2012, e37300.
ATTENDING THE CEREMONY: Alberto Minetti and Yuri Ivanenko

CHEMISTRY PRIZE: Shinsuke Imai [JAPAN], Nobuaki Tsuge [JAPAN], Muneaki Tomotake [JAPAN], Yoshiaki Nagatome [JAPAN], Toshiyuki Nagata [JAPAN, GERMANY], and Hidehiko Kumgai [JAPAN], for discovering that the biochemical process by which onions make people cry is even more complicated than scientists previously realized.
REFERENCE: "Plant Biochemistry: An Onion Enzyme that Makes the Eyes Water," S. Imai, N. Tsuge, M. Tomotake, Y. Nagatome, H. Sawada, T. Nagata and H. Kumagai, Nature, vol. 419, no. 6908, October 2002, p. 685.
ATTENDING THE CEREMONY: All six co-authors.

ARCHAEOLOGY PRIZE: Brian Crandall [USA] and Peter Stahl [CANADA, USA], for parboiling a dead shrew, and then swallowing the shrew without chewing, and then carefully examining everything excreted during subsequent days — all so they could see which bones would dissolve inside the human digestive system, and which bones would not.
REFERENCE: "Human Digestive Effects on a Micromammalian Skeleton," Peter W. Stahl and Brian D. Crandall, Journal of Archaeological Science, vol. 22, November 1995, pp. 789–97.

PEACE PRIZE: Alexander Lukashenko, president of Belarus, for making it illegal to applaud in public, AND to the Belarus State Police, for arresting a one-armed man for applauding.

PROBABILITY PRIZE: Bert Tolkamp [UK, the NETHERLANDS], Marie Haskell [UK], Fritha Langford [UK, CANADA], David Roberts [UK], and Colin Morgan [UK], for making two related discoveries: First, that the longer a cow has been lying down, the more likely that cow will soon stand up; and Second, that once a cow stands up, you cannot easily predict how soon that cow will lie down again.
REFERENCE: "Are Cows More Likely to Lie Down the Longer They Stand?" Bert J. Tolkamp, Marie J. Haskell, Fritha M. Langford, David J. Roberts, Colin A. Morgan, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, vol. 124, nos. 1-2, 2010, pp. 1–10.

PUBLIC HEALTH PRIZE: Kasian Bhanganada, Tu Chayavatana, Chumporn Pongnumkul, Anunt Tonmukayakul, Piyasakol Sakolsatayadorn, Krit Komaratal, and Henry Wilde, for the medical techniques described in their report "Surgical Management of an Epidemic of Penile Amputations in Siam" — techniques which they recommend, except in cases where the amputated penis had been partially eaten by a duck. [THAILAND]
REFERENCE: "Surgical Management of an Epidemic of Penile Amputations in Siam," by Kasian Bhanganada, Tu Chayavatana, Chumporn Pongnumkul, Anunt Tonmukayakul, Piyasakol Sakolsatayadorn, Krit Komaratal, and Henry Wilde, American Journal of Surgery, 1983, no. 146, pp. 376-382.
ATTENDING THE CEREMONY: Nobel laureate Eric Maskin read aloud the acceptance speech sent by the winners.

See more at Improbable Research site.

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